Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale

Beautiful art work by the prolific artist Vicki Neale


My artwork cont3


My landscape paintings are displayed here.


This painting holds a kind of good feeling for me it reminds me of Mexico painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas 2016 size 26"/20"
Mexican nights
Mexican nights
Mexican nights

Sunset lillies

This was painted in 2016 and is of a scrumbscious scene with opulant tones of sunshiny lilly pond with plum toned lillies signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2015
Lovely sunset with lillies
Lovely sunset with lillies
Sunset with lillies

Irredescent landscape

This painting so scrummy it's like candy and cake frosting I used irredescent oil paints for this one it was lots of fun signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size20"/26" 2019
Irredescent landscape
Irredescent landscape
Irredescent landscape

Wavy trees

This wavy trees that have a many tone colourful paint effect and it's a lovely sunset painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2018
Wavy trees
Wavy trees
Wavy trees 1

This painting is a creation of my creative mind and depicts a sunset over a lake of lillies signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2016
Perfect sunset
Perfect sunset
Perfect sunset

Fast water

An abstract river painting of fast flowing water through rocks painted and signed by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 26"/20" 2019
Fast water  abstract landscape
Fast water abstract landscape
Fast water

Waterfalls garden

This is an epic piece of art I loved painting it it has loads of texture pastiche size20"/26" 2019
Gorgeous water feature waterfalls
Gorgeous water feature waterfalls
Water garden 2

Marvellous meadow

Marvellous meadow on a nearly winter's day fine bull in foreground a jersey signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2019
Marvellous meadow
Marvellous meadow
Marvellous meadow

Windswept beach

Windswept beach in a far off tropical shore signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26" 2019
Windswept beach
Windswept beach
Windswept beach

Rustic slopes

Rustic slopes and beautiful reflection of the sky on a lake signed and painted by myself Vicki Neale oil on canvas size 20"/26"2019
Rustic slopes
Rustic slopes
Rustic slopes
Vicki Neale
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